Tuesday, July 22, 2008


We had been trying to find a way to break Misha out of camp so that we could go swimming. We had to take the lawyer with us today to get permission to take Misha for a few hours. We had to promise to treat him like a glass doll!! We found a place to swim down in the center of the city and we had a great time. The water was perfect( despite being a little dirty). Misha was doing a back flip of the peir and cut his foot, so I think we may be in a little trouble. We took Misha back to watch him play soccer, but Kent got extremely sick to his stomach so we had to drop Misha off. For those of you who know Kent, he will eat absolutely anything(including the grasshopper he had to eat in a competition with the kids), so I knew it was a matter of time before he got sick, I'm just glad he made it this far. Today the kids are hiking all day so we won't be able to see the Misha until tonight.

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